All you have to do is look at someone's bank account to see                                                             We will
    end up spending money on mental health no matter what. It might surprise you to find out the following indicators:


Negative Self Concept

Impossible Expectations

everyone benefits from good mental health support.

Is the 7 Principles a Good Fit for You? 

What if I don't have time or money for this?  Great question!

A healthy relationship means two independent people
who don't  have to be together to be happy,
​but choose to every day

Each of the above common aspects of women's daily life
​can cause not only stress but clinical mental health concerns.

So, it's not if you can afford it, but where do you want to spend it and what will you lose by waiting. Loving yourself means ACTION.

generalized anxiety, irritability, mood swing, and exhaustion.

Toxic Positivity

what they prioritize and value.

Current Research on the Benefits of Coaching in a Digital Age

Are all advanced symptoms of mental health issues &
​missing skills.


  • Marital struggles / Extended Family issues

  • Addiction (food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping, exercise, work)

  • Physical illness

  • Social isolation

  • Emotion disregulation (raging or depression)

  • Parenting challenges 

  • A pattern of relationship cut-offs 

safe, consistent and predictable spaces to reflect. 

overwhelmed, resentful, hopeless and ashamed.

Double Standards

SuperMOM Role

Toxic Guilt &  Shoulds


​      Mental health has come a long way in the last 50 years. Once widely believed to be specialized care for a small
     percentage of the population, we now know that
     in its many forms -  individual, couple, group skills education, group processing, mindfulness and meditation tools to
     name a few. We are living in a fast paced, constantly changing world partnered with increasing use of technology
     and limited or non-existent downtime. Because our schedules demand more with less recovery time, we are
     finding more                                                                                                            Women especially are
     being hit with this - statistics showing a startling increase in depression, disconnection, isolation and illness.

All of the trainings and conferences I am attending are repeatedly driving home the importance of coaching and
 work to provide                                                                                       In the age of the SUPERMOM
     women have trouble giving themselves permission to get help when they most need it. Those crucial affirmations
     validations and accountability for their own care are lacking in daily life and demands. Without early and regular
     coaching and support, women become 

